Community Member Credit: 96i30azn

I had to change mine yesterday and had the devil’s own work trying to find out how to change it. 2hrs and lots of swearing, dirt, and scratches later, I figured others would appreciate a picture tutorial so here it is:

Supplies you need:
– Phillips screwdriver
– Flat screwdriver
– 10mm hex (socket would be best)
– H3 55w bulb

1. Turn your wheel towards the side you’ll be working on.
2. In your wheelwell, find 2 clips that secure the fender lining on and pry out their “stems,” they look like this:

3. Unbolt the 10mm bolt right behind your tie-down tab.
4. Unscrew the phillips screws along the lower edge of your bumper
5. Push the lining back into the wheelwell to access the corner light/fog lamp
6. Unbolt the 10mm bolt and remove the corner light shown below:
*caution – do not mess with the 8mm hex/phillips bolt – that secures the fog lamp reflector inside the housing

7. From the outside, take your flathead and pry the corner light forward (of the car)
8. This exposes the bolt that holds the fog lamp housing to the bumper shown below, unbolt this:

9. Pull the fog lamp assembly forward then out (from centerline) to remove
10. Unclip the harness found at the pointy end of the fog lamp to remove it from car
11. There is a wire clip (partially outlined) that secures the clip, undo this wire clip to remove bulb from fixture:

12. Push back the rubber sleeve and unplug the bulb Installation is reverse of removal


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