Member Credit: Eddy

Ok guys after seeing pictures of a 6thgen totaled because they didn’t have OEM G37s wheel lugs…. I’ve decided to make this thread hoping that it never happens to anyone. It almost happened to me but I was quick to get it to place the broken studs and get G37s OEM wheel lugs.

Even if you torque the lugs as much as you can to the extreme…..its pointless because the G37s wheels use a washer type lug. The regular ones will cause the lug hole to expand causing it to break. I know because I have G37s wheels and when I first put them on to drive to home… they got a bit loose.. So please keep that in mind. I would hate to see this happen to anyone else.

Look at the differences below


G37s OEM Lugs
Click the image to open in full size.
Standard Lugs


This is what can happen if you don’t use G37s Washer Lugs or Equivalent on your 6thgen!!

Photos Courtesy of Savage77


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