Last Updated: 06/23/2022 @ 09:01 am
Credit: Aaron NWP
Last night, I installed the Rev-up oil pump on my 02 Maxima engine. But before I did, I cracked it open.
Here are some observations.
Revup on left; Non-Revup on right
The first thing I noticed was the casing. The non-revup has a smooth casing with several imperfections and burs. The revup has a more consistent cast without any noticeable burs or flaws. Here is the other side:
Here they are opened up:
The first thing I noticed was that the rotors are slightly different. The revup has arrow marks on them and the non-revup has little dots. Other than that, they appear to be identical. I hold them up against one another and the rotor lobes have the same exact shape. The rotor dimensions are identical in every way.
But here’s the difference I found. On my postal scale (displays in .2 ounce increments), the two non-revup rotors weighed 10.0 ounces while the revup rotors weighed 10.4 ounces. There was a clear difference in weight meaning the metal is different.
I also took a few measurements of the inside of the casing. The inlet and outlet inside diameters are exactly the same. And the depth of the casing is exactly the same as well.
I don’t know the major differences between these two oil pumps. But I thought I’d share some of my observations. It appears that the revup oil pump rotors may be stronger. The casing may be a tad stronger as well.
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