Member Credit: Cheston

WARNING: These are JUST directions. I am NOT liable if you mess up your car. Use common sense when attempting this or ANY mod. Always use caution when it comes tools that use electricity. WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING!

Tools needed: phillips & flat head screwdriver, 10mm socket, 12mm socket, 6″ extension, THIN needle nose plyers, pencil

1 Set the height of the steering column to the lowest it can go.

2 Remove the plastic bottom cover to the steering column, it’s the piece that’s above your knee. There are two screws near the bottom, and then pull out.

3 Remove the Metal shield covering the bottom of the steering column. Two 10 mm bolts here.

4 Remove the bolts holding the steering column up, two 12mm bolts. Use the extension if you have trouble reaching up in there. Drop the steering column down.

5 Unscrew 2 screws holding in the top of the dash, it’s the plastic cover underneath that overhang. Pop down the top half way. Using some firm BUT consistent pressure, pull back on it, removing the cover from the dash. There are four little clipies that are holding it in, so besure to find those clips. Unhook the cables that are attached to the cruise control and dimmer switches.

6 Remove the three screws holding in the dash cluster. Unhook the four clips in the back and then take out the whole cluster. Now, unclip the plastic over and the black casing.

7 Now take the dash cluster to a place where is WELL LIT, and comfortable. You’re about to do something delicate. Note the FUEL level.

8 To remove the needles, you fist need to take off the needle-rest stops. Those are the little black thingies that the need rests on when the car is off. To do this, you need to lift up the gauge pieces ever so slightly to get the tweezers in there to pop off the plastic rests. after you have take out all three, rejoice. and take a breather.

9 Now, starting with the speedo, gently push the needle COUNTER CLOCKWISE until you feel a little resistance. MARK THIS SPOT WITH A PENCIL. this is your recalibration POINT. you’ll need to return the needle to this EXACT spot when you put back on the needle or else your speed readings will be seriously fucked.

Mark down the recalibration point for the tach too.

Mark down the recalibration point for the temp too.

10 Now, starting with the speedo gauge. gently, turn the needle COUNTERCLOCK wise three times. The pressure should get lighter and lighter the more turns you do. After the third turn, turn and LIFT up the needle. YOU MUST GENTLY LIFT WHILE TURNING or else you’re toast.

Turn about 3-4 more times while lifting and the needle will pop off the small metal shaft. If you pull out the shaft, you’re what we call in Chinese: a Man-toh. A Dumpling. A Dense white piece of toast, lamer than day-old bagels.

After you get the speedo needle off, do the same with the tachometer, remembering to LIFT while turning. And then repeat for the fuel and temp

11 Now, that you have all the needles off, do what you want to the gauges. Either swap out new ones or paint the stock ones. You can do what i did, and get overlays to change the stock ones into some cool colors.

12 Once you’re done with that you’re doing, then place the gauge back on, and position the needles at the 4 oclock position.

Gently press down. When it’s pretty much in, gently turn the needle, while pressing down, until you turn it to the recalibration point that you previously noted. If you over shoot, that’s ok, just go around again CCW.

RECLIP in the needle-rest stops.

13 For the FUEL and TEMP needles. it’s going to be tricky. My suggestion is, plug in the cluster, and then turn on the car. Since you noted the fuel level when you first started the car, move the needle to that position. And after three minutes, the temp needle should be dead center, that’s the “normal” temp reading, so move the needle to the middle.

14 Reclip the black casing, Reclip the plastic shield. Reattach the wires to the back of the gauge cluster and screw in those three screws.

15 Re-attach the dash cover, remembering to replug the connections for the cruise control and dimmer.

16 Re-attach the steering column. Re-attach the steering column metal shield.

17 Reclip the dash bottom covers, remembering to screw those two screws in.

18 Turn on the car. Rev it up. Does the RPM needle move? Does the Fuel register? Go fill up and see where exactly “F” is. Is the temp right? Is the Speed right?

19 Good. You’re done.


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