Member Credit: pmohr

This howto is for the quick and easy task of disabling/removing the stock buzzer underneath the dash. Personally I disabled it because I tend to use the headlights to light things up at night, and the beeping with the door open drives me crazy.

This whole process shouldn’t take but 5 minutes, if that. You can probably get to the connector without removing the lower dash panel at all, but this way you can actually see what you’re doing.

First up, grab a phillips head screwdriver, and acquaint yourself with the kneeling position outside your driver’s side door. You should (kinda) see this:

Yes, that’s an automatic brake pedal. Deal with it.

You’ll need to locate the two screws, one at either end of the bottom of the panel.
They’re indicated by circles in the photo below (the rectangular highlights are the clips that hold the panel on):

Left side screw, above the hood release:

Right side screw:

Now to remove the screws. If you can’t figure this out, you’re just…lost.

Removing left side screw:

Removing right side screw:

Grab along the bottom of the panel and pull it off. There are several clips that hold it in place (see above picture), so it may be a little resistant. Don’t be afraid of breaking it, be a man.

When it comes off, you’ll basically be left with this (and probably just as dirty):

Here’s the little bastard we’re here about:

So what to do about it? Simple.

At this point you could go ahead and remove it, but it’s not like there’s a point; no weight savings, doesn’t make anything else easier to do, etc. If you ever need/want to put it back in, good luck finding it unless you just leave it screwed on to the dash panel.

Take a look at the back of the dash panel, make sure all of your clips are still there (or in the dash proper), and aren’t laying all over the carpet. They like to disappear.

Where all of the clips should be (IIRC all of these spots have clips, but who knows):

Now just put the panel back in place, throw the two screws in, problem solved. The harness for the buzzer can just be left dangling, it’s not really long enough to hang anywhere. Just tuck it up underneath the panel.


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