Last Updated: 06/10/2022 @ 11:11 pm

Member Credit: pmohr

This howto is for the quick and easy task of replacing the ignition switch. If you have to jiggle the key around for the car to start, have to do any special tricks for it to work, whatever.

This whole process shouldn’t take but 10 minutes, if that.

First up, grab a phillips head screwdriver, and acquaint yourself with the kneeling position outside your driver’s side door. You should (kinda) see this:

Yes, that’s an automatic brake pedal. Deal with it.

You’ll need to locate the two screws, one at either end of the bottom of the panel.
They’re indicated by circles in the photo below (the rectangular highlights are the clips that hold the panel on):

Left side screw, above the hood release:

Right side screw:

Now to remove the screws. If you can’t figure this out, you’re just…lost.

Removing left side screw:

Removing right side screw:

Grab along the bottom of the panel and pull it off. There are several clips that hold it in place (see above picture), so it may be a little resistant. Don’t be afraid of breaking it, be a man (if applicable).

When it comes off, just toss it to the side. You’ll then see this:

That bar is safety equipment, there to protect you in the event of a crash (AFAIK). It’s held on by two 10mm head bolts, shown here:

Removing the left side bolt:

Removing the right side bolt:

Now the view with the crash bar removed:

Now you need to remove the steering column trim. There are 6 screws; the outer 4 hold the two pieces of the surround together, the two in the middle hold the lower piece to the steering column.

View from directly underneath, showing the screws. Green holds the two pieces together, red holds the lower piece to the column:

Now once you remove all of those (no pictures of that, but…yea) you can just pull the top piece right off:

Pop the trim around the key cylinder out (not pictured, it’s what goes around where you put the key), then pull off the lower piece:

Here’s your ignition switch, mounted to the back of the lock cylinder (don’t mind the unplugged white connector, it was in the way):

To remove the ignition switch, you’ll need a finer tipped screwdriver than what you used for everything else.

The two screws that affix it to the key cylinder:

Removing the left side screw (a shorter screwdriver helps):

Removing the right side screw:

The ignition switch then just pulls right out:

This is the tab in the lock cylinder that rotates along with the key:

Which fits into this slot on the ignition switch:

You really can’t install the ignition switch improperly (one would think, anyway…).

Obviously installation is the reverse of removal. I don’t have a picture specifically of the ignition switch harness connector, but just follow the harness back and you’ll find it.


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