Member Credit: chrisaust

First, this is fairly easy once you figure it out the first time. Here are my step-by-step tips to get access to the gauges.


If you plan to remove the needles, you’ll need to remember how to put them back on so they are accurate. This may require you to drive down the freeway or a straight stretch of road at a certain speed, noting speed and RPMs at that speed (ie if your RPMs are 3,000 at 80mph, get your friend to set their cruise control to 80, pace them and set your own cruise control and push needles back on at 3000 and 80mph respectively). Also note fuel level and normal car operating temp. After removing needles, it may be easiest to put speedometer and tachometer needles back on while driving. Get a friend to set their cruise control at your specified speed, so you can be pacing them and place the needles back in the right position.

1. Need the following tools: Phillips screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver (or preferably something thin and plastic), and socket wrench only if you need to disconnect battery to work on electrical system.

2. Underneath the steering wheel there are 3 screw holes… Remove these screws with Phillips screwdriver.
Click the image to open in full size.3. Adjust the steering wheel all the way out and down. Inserting flat-head screwdriver in between two plastic pieces on the right side of the steering wheel where the windshield wiper knob is. Carefully pop apart plastic housing surrounding steering wheel and set aside.
Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.4. Remove plastic covering over gauges. Using flat-head screwdriver or thin plastic, slide under top middle plastic piece and slowly lift up to pop out. Then slide under each piece on left and right, pop out front part first, then lift and pull towards you.
Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.5. On top of gauge cluster is one single screw, remove this
Click the image to open in full size.6. Under gauge cluster are two hidden screws, unscrew both but don’t remove, it’s easier to pull out gauge cluster and screws will come out with it, then you can take them out.
Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.7. Gauge cluster has several clips holding it together… using flat-head screwdriver, carefully life these clips off their tabs. Don’t lift too much, they’ll break off VERY easily (I broke 2). Once these are off the tabs, the gauge cluster cover comes apart and you are left with the bare gauge face and needles.
Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.**BEFORE CONTINUING, READ IMPORTANT NOTE ABOVE** 

8. To remove gauge face, grasp black needle center and pull out. Some may require using needle-nose pliers and some force. Don’t SQUEEZE too hard, but you’ll have to use one hand to hold gauges and pull needle out with the other hand.
Click the image to open in full size.9. Gauge face is just stuck on with glue, so you can peel this off if needed. You then have easy access to LED bulbs behind (in case you want to change their color).
Click the image to open in full size.10. To put back together, place needles back on in correct positions. Test these while driving before putting cover back on.

11. Put cover back over gauge face and snap clips back into position. Insert two lower screws into their holes, then push the whole gauge cluster back in position. Screw in two underneath screws, then top screw.

12. Pop two left/right cover pieces back into place, then center cluster cover.

13. Place steering wheel plastic covers back into position and snap together. Screw back in three screws underneath steering wheel column and re-adjust steering wheel position.

That’s it! Not too hard, and only takes about 5 minutes if you have to do it again. Getting needles back into correct position is the tough part, something I need to RE-do while driving as I suggested above. Good luck!

**NOTE**  If you did want to change the LEDs in the gauge cluster, it only looked like there were about a dozen, not as many as the information screen, so it wouldn’t be TOO hard of a job. I might just look into it!


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