Last Updated: 01/20/2022 @ 12:09 pm

Member Credit:  Sunday Ortiz & Gerson Flores

This is only intended for a providing a reference to the list of core parts used in the 7GM 6-Speed swap that was successfully completed by Gerson Flores & Sunday Ortiz. It’s not a how-to or step-by-step process. Please only attempt to do the swap if you are mechanically inclined and understand the Nissan FSM (Factory Service Manuals).

View all 7GM 6-Speed Swaps using the links below:

Full Parts List:

Please note that all of these items were purchased brand with the exception of a few parts (custom & discontinued parts). The total cost for all the parts below adds up to approximately $4,522.00. You may be able to find parts for much less and save money. 







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